BackFijian Noni juice is non-diluted,100% pure juice of Noni fruit, which is rich in vitamins, trace elements, enzymes, beneficial alkaloids, co-factors and plant sterol. It has no additives, no chemicals and no preservatives, just pure ingredients from the natural forests of the Fiji Islands.Noni juice is a safe, pure and natural drink, consumed by young and old. It may help busy people to cope with hectic schedules and assist with energy levels. One does not have to be unwell to drink Fijian Noni juice as it may keep both body and mind refreshed.
Go Vita are Australia’s Largest Health Food store Group, we have the experience, the range and the passion to support your health & wellness needs. Prioritising your health can bring you closer to harnessing, changing or reigniting your energy; Go Vita gives you to tools to take one step closer to a healthier lifestyle.