Pacific Harvest's, Power of Three Seaweed Flake Blend contains nothing but delicious, raw, dried seaweed flakes – NZ Wakame (a brown seaweed), Atlantic Dulse (red seaweed) and Sea Lettuce (green seaweed) flakes. Just as we know that we should ‘eat the rainbow’ of land vegetable as each colour brings different nutrients and flavour, so should we eat the seaweed rainbow! These seaweed flakes have a delicate savoury, smoky and slightly salty flavour. We are delighted to bring this new product to our range and hope you like it as much as we do!
Go Vita are Australia’s Largest Health Food store Group, we have the experience, the range and the passion to support your health & wellness needs. Prioritising your health can bring you closer to harnessing, changing or reigniting your energy; Go Vita gives you to tools to take one step closer to a healthier lifestyle.