Salt of the Earth Celtic Salt Course 650g

$10.80 /650g

(19 available)

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Salt of the Earth's fully mineralised Celtic Sea Salt is a whole salt the way nature intended...

Sustainably hand harvested using ancient time-honoured methods dated back before the IXth Century. Ocean water travels thousands of kilometres without contact with the land. The action of the waves oxygenating the sea water with sunlight and marine microorganisms purify as it travels, arriving at our harvesting point pure and ready for harvest. Uniquely evaporated by the sun and the  wind in manicured clay basins, then delicately gathered by hand with long wooden tools by the paludiers (salt farmers) of the region creating a pure unrefined, well balanced Celtic Sea Salt alive with active vital minerals.

Salt of the Earth care about the quality of our products and manfacture our fine stone ground Celtic Sea Salt here in Australia. This is performed under strict quality control to ensure the naturally high mineral content of the coarse variety is not lost. Slowly dried at a low temperature, then ground with a stone mill creating a light fluffy consistency unmatched by any other fine variety on the market. Containing key minerals and trace elements of magnesium, calcium and potassium is the perfect ratio.

With a subtle flavour, Celtic Sea Salt melts in your mouth and stimulates your saliva glands. Use to enhance the flavours of food as it helps break down the complex carbohydrates of grains, beans and vegetables.

Suggestions for use:

  • Use in all food preparation to your desired flavour. Ideal for pickling, grilling and everyday cooking.
  • Create your own bath salts by combining coarse crystals with your favourite essential oils.
  • Create a mineral tonic by mixing 1/4 of a teaspoon of Celtic Sea Salt to a glass of filtered water.

Manufactured in Australia from ingredients imported from France.

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